

Windows、Linux、macOS用があって、コンパイル済みのバイナリになっているのでダウンロードして実行するだけ。 f:id:mailstop:20201101143243p:plain

root@ds220g1:/tmp/l_mklb_p_2020.2.001/benchmarks_2020/linux/mkl/benchmarks/linpack# ./runme_xeon64 
This is a SAMPLE run script for running a shared-memory version of
Intel(R) Distribution for LINPACK* Benchmark. Change it to reflect
the correct number of CPUs/threads, problem input files, etc..
*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
./runme_xeon64: line 28: [: too many arguments
Sat Oct 31 22:27:28 PDT 2020
Sample data file lininput_xeon64.

Current date/time: Sat Oct 31 22:27:28 2020

CPU frequency:    3.699 GHz
Number of CPUs: 2
Number of cores: 36
Number of threads: 36

Parameters are set to:

Number of tests: 15
Number of equations to solve (problem size) : 1000  2000  5000  10000 15000 18000 20000 22000 25000 26000 27000 30000 35000 40000 45000
Leading dimension of array                  : 1000  2000  5008  10000 15000 18008 20016 22008 25000 26000 27000 30000 35000 40000 45000
Number of trials to run                     : 4     2     2     2     2     2     2     2     2     2     1     1     1     1     1    
Data alignment value (in Kbytes)            : 4     4     4     4     4     4     4     4     4     4     4     1     1     1     1    

Maximum memory requested that can be used=16200901024, at the size=45000

=================== Timing linear equation system solver ===================

Size   LDA    Align. Time(s)    GFlops   Residual     Residual(norm) Check
1000   1000   4      0.171      3.9140   1.040126e-12 3.167791e-02   pass
1000   1000   4      0.011      61.1942  1.040126e-12 3.167791e-02   pass
1000   1000   4      0.008      85.7699  1.040126e-12 3.167791e-02   pass
1000   1000   4      0.007      99.8466  1.040126e-12 3.167791e-02   pass
2000   2000   4      0.027      200.7489 3.906653e-12 3.106923e-02   pass
2000   2000   4      0.027      198.6520 3.906653e-12 3.106923e-02   pass
5000   5008   4      0.128      651.3254 2.713202e-11 3.582731e-02   pass
5000   5008   4      0.110      758.6510 2.713202e-11 3.582731e-02   pass
10000  10000  4      1.169      570.6969 1.157969e-10 3.914694e-02   pass
10000  10000  4      0.529      1259.7720 1.157969e-10 3.914694e-02   pass
15000  15000  4      1.573      1430.3173 2.086843e-10 3.158888e-02   pass
15000  15000  4      1.569      1433.9648 2.086843e-10 3.158888e-02   pass
18000  18008  4      2.662      1460.9114 3.281892e-10 3.476062e-02   pass
18000  18008  4      2.660      1461.7944 3.281892e-10 3.476062e-02   pass
20000  20016  4      3.657      1458.7962 3.922531e-10 3.362530e-02   pass
20000  20016  4      3.660      1457.4162 3.922531e-10 3.362530e-02   pass
22000  22008  4      4.766      1489.6896 4.458339e-10 3.153157e-02   pass
22000  22008  4      4.793      1481.2429 4.458339e-10 3.153157e-02   pass
25000  25000  4      7.018      1484.4988 5.538188e-10 3.063248e-02   pass
25000  25000  4      7.023      1483.3266 5.538188e-10 3.063248e-02   pass
26000  26000  4      7.730      1516.0049 6.363453e-10 3.252047e-02   pass
26000  26000  4      7.734      1515.2853 6.363453e-10 3.252047e-02   pass
27000  27000  4      8.545      1535.7519 6.926203e-10 3.270807e-02   pass
30000  30000  1      11.645     1545.8491 9.123060e-10 3.509794e-02   pass
35000  35000  1      18.625     1534.8473 1.203062e-09 3.408724e-02   pass
40000  40000  1      27.528     1550.0281 1.566522e-09 3.345501e-02   pass
45000  45000  1      39.394     1542.2125 1.876337e-09 3.225705e-02   pass

Performance Summary (GFlops)

Size   LDA    Align.  Average  Maximal
1000   1000   4       62.6812  99.8466 
2000   2000   4       199.7004 200.7489
5000   5008   4       704.9882 758.6510
10000  10000  4       915.2344 1259.7720
15000  15000  4       1432.1411 1433.9648
18000  18008  4       1461.3529 1461.7944
20000  20016  4       1458.1062 1458.7962
22000  22008  4       1485.4663 1489.6896
25000  25000  4       1483.9127 1484.4988
26000  26000  4       1515.6451 1516.0049
27000  27000  4       1535.7519 1535.7519
30000  30000  1       1545.8491 1545.8491
35000  35000  1       1534.8473 1534.8473
40000  40000  1       1550.0281 1550.0281
45000  45000  1       1542.2125 1542.2125

Residual checks PASSED

End of tests

Done: Sat Oct 31 22:30:50 PDT 2020
